With a steam cleaner, you can eliminate stubborn stains and 99.9% of all bacteria, without using any harsh or potentially harmful chemicals. This makes it the perfect cleaning method for homes with babies and young children, or if anyone in your home has allergies.
It's not just for floors either; you can steam clean your worksurfaces, bathtubs, even childrens' high chairs!
If you can keep your home tidy, then cleaning becomes a much easier task. Try using a basket or box for any loose toys or odd items that you find lying around - just toss them in as you find them, then once it's full, or once you get a bit of spare time, you can sort through and put everything back in its proper place.
Dropped dinners and spilled drinks can't always be avoided, so it's helpful to have a cordless cleaning appliance that you can grab at a moments notice.
You know the saying, "many hands make light work" - well that's still true even if the hands are little! You can give them simple tasks like dusting or wiping the surfaces, or older children could take charge of the vacuuming or washing the dishes. Why not make cleaning into a fun activity you and the children can do together?
A mini handheld vacuum - or a vacuum that can convert to handheld - will allow you to clean in tight spaces and areas that would normally be hard to reach with a normal vacuum; this might include car seats, in between sofa cushions, or behind furniture.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed if you try to clean the whole house in one go - break things down into 5 or 10 minute tasks, and you'll find that it's a lot easier to manage.
This is our most important piece of advice - in this world of social media and influencers, there's a lot of pressure to have the perfect home all the time, but a home is more than just a clean empty space. Find time to clean and tidy where you can, but be sure to make time to just enjoy your home with your family!